Helt rå temakveld: Indigo Invitational fade-konkurranse - Raw Denim

Helt rå temakveld: Indigo Invitational fade-konkurranse

Vi har fått overveldende respons på endringen av konsept fra Vintage Jeans til Raw Denim.  Nå ønsker vi å gi tilbake ved å invitere til hyggelige og nerdete kundekvelder for folk som interesserer seg for selvedge jeans, japansk denim, rådenim og kule fades. Vi er veldig stolte av å kunne invitere til nerdekveld i samarbeid med Indigo Invitational.

Wild Cards-trekking i den internasjonale fade-konkurransen 18. januar
kl 18.00 i butikken vår på Olaf Ryes plass i Oslo.

Det er gratis inngang og førstemann til mølla (det kan bli fullt).

About the event

Bryan Szabo, Founder of the Indigo Invitational, the world’s largest raw denim fading competition, will be in Oslo on January 18th. He’s got some very difficult choices to make, and he’s asking for your help.

He’s putting out a call to all denimheads in the Oslo area to come to Raw Denim Norway on the evening of the 18th to help him pick four deserving faders who will be going into the Top 20 of Y4 of the Indigo Invitational.

The year-long fading competition started its fourth year just over one year ago with more than 1,500 competitors. Now, after a gruelling 366 days of fading, Bryan is picking his way through the entries to find the world’s best denim

The community voting round (which will start around January 9th) gives competitors the chance to pick their favourites. After this voting round, the Top 16 will automatically advance to the Top 20.

This leaves Bryan with four Top 20 slots to fill before the Top 20 is submitted to a panel of experts for the final judging.

He’ll make a short presentation about the Invitational and then present photos of the Top 16 and some of the other pairs that he’s considering for the four wildcard slots.

If you’re new to the world of fading, this is an opportunity to see how deep this rabbit hole really goes. If you’re an experienced fader, this is an equally exciting opportunity to play a small part in the biggest selvedge denim event of the year!

We hope you’ll join us at Raw Denim Norway. Presentation and selections will begin at 6pm, with lots of time to talk things over and meet the founder before and after the presentation.